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Bringing Gratitude to Daily Life

Be thankful for what you have;

you'll end up having more.

If you concentrate on what you don't have,

you will never, ever have enough.

--Oprah Winfrey


There are some days when I miss God. He is nowhere to be found. I know He is there. Just like on a cloudy or rainy day I know the sun is there, even if I don’t see or feel its warmth. On these cloudy or rainy days of my soul, I can always find comfort with the warm blanket of gratitude. Wrapping the blanket over my shoulders, I think of all the gifts that have come my way over the decades of my life—the people, the places, the experiences, the love I have given and received. For all of this, I am so very grateful. And then I notice that this gratitude has helped me find my way back to the sense that God is close by, very close by.

Here are some methods I use to keep that flame of gratitude ever burning in my life, radiating warmth, comfort, and support. Try one (or more) of these daily. And note what happens.


1. Gratitude journaling: Write down things you are grateful for each day, either in a physical journal or on slips of paper that you place in a gratitude jar (see picture above for a gratitude jar you can easily make at home). Read through the notes whenever you need a reminder of the good things in your life.

2. Thank-you cards: Write and send thank-you cards to people who have helped or supported you in some way ( https://www.hearkenbooks.org/shop offers a sample of note cards and postcards that couple beautiful original artwork with inspiring haiku poems).

3. Gratitude rituals: Create daily rituals that help you cultivate feelings of gratitude, such as saying grace before meals, reflecting on the day to come upon rising, or repeating a gratitude mantra during breaks in your day: “I have everything I need. Thank you, Lord.”

4. Gratitude walks: Take a walk in nature and focus on the beauty around you, expressing gratitude for the sights, sounds, and sensations you experience.

5. Gratitude challenges: Challenge yourself to find something to be grateful for in every situation, even challenging or difficult ones.


6. Gratitude circles: Join or start a gratitude circle with friends or family, where you can share what you are grateful for and support one another in cultivating a grateful mindset. The circle can be as small and intimate as you and your spouse doing this sharing just before going to sleep each night. Or your family around the dinner table sharing experiences that day that brought you joy.

Remember: When you are grateful, life will expand to bring you even more.


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