Journey Notes (Blog)

Hearken Books — cream watercolor edge
Reflection Josefina Card Reflection Josefina Card


“What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world

but suffers the loss of his eternal soul?"

--Matthew 16:26

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News Josefina Card News Josefina Card

Tending to Our Spiritual Needs

“On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice,
‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink’” (John 7:37).
All human beings have a need for water.
We also have spiritual needs that need tending to.

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Meet Our Contributors

Josefina J. Card, PhD

Josefina J. Card, PhD,

is Founder and President of Sociometrics Corporation. For over 40 years she worked with generous funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health to assemble exemplary social and behavioral health datasets and evidence-based behavior change programs, and distribute these resources to schools, clinics, and communities around the globe. She is a trained spiritual director who now brings her decades of work promoting healthy behavior change to the world of spiritual transformation.

James L. Peterson, PhD

James L. Peterson, PhD,

worked in the social sciences on social issues including marital conflict, teen pregnancy, and social indicators. He has worked in the last two decades as a spiritual director and spiritual formation mentor. Most recently he has taken up painting and illustration work.